School uniforms help promote a positive school tone and a sense of being part of a school community.
The Rainworth uniform has been designed to be practical, economical, comfortable and sun safe. The school has a strict "no hat, no play" policy. Children not wearing a full-brimmed hat will be required to be in an undercover area.
The cooperation of all parents is sought in having students dressed in the correct uniform at school and particularly on excursions. If you do look to purchase alternate items from cheaper local distributors, we ask that you purchase these in our school green.
Parents and carers are urged to ensure all items of school clothing are clearly labelled. This will help facilitate the return of the item and reduce the amount of lost property.

New uniforms can be ordered online via the online shop at Ashgrove West Drapery.The link is at the top right of this page. You can also go to the physical shop
at 467 Waterworks Rd, Ashgrove, Mon-Fri 8.30am-4.00pm and Sat 9am-1pm, where
you can try uniforms on for size, and also pick up ‘click and collect’ orders.
Uniform items for new Prep students will be ready for you to collect at the Prep Induction morning in Term 4.
Preloved uniforms are
available for purchase at our Pre-loved Marketplace Days, which are held on the
second week of each Term. If
specific pre-loved uniforms are needed outside of these times, our volunteers
will be available to liaise directly.
Student Dress Code Policy 2024
Rainworth State School and Rainworth P&C Association endorses a student dress code policy because we believe it:
- Exemplifies students’ pride in being part of the Rainworth State School Community,
- Promotes an effective teaching and learning environment by eliminating the distraction of competition in dress and fashion at the school,
- Fosters mutual respect among students creating a healthy work ethic and student learning,
- Promotes a supportive environment at the school by fostering a sense of culture and belonging, and
- Creates a good ethos of the school within the community and encourages students to uphold and enhance that image.
Further information is available on our website via:
Our School Uniform consists of the following:
School Uniform - (Year 1 to Year 6)
| Prep Uniform
School Polo Shirt Bottle green Shorts or Skorts Check Dress School Reversible Hat
White Socks or Rainworth SS socks
Full Black lace up or velcro sneakers or ‘Mary-Jane’ style shoes | Red Prep Polo Shirt Bottle green Shorts or Skorts School Reversible Hat White Socks or Rainworth SS socks Full Black velcro sneakers or ‘Mary-Jane’ style shoes Rainworth SS Backpack |
We aim for 100% compliance with this Dress Code. All students are expected to wear the full school uniform daily. Students participating in sport, excursions and other school functions are expected to wear the appropriate uniform as a condition of participation. School hats must be worn at all times outside of the classroom.
Cooler Weather
Bottle green jumper
Bottle green tracksuit pants can be worn in place of the school shorts or skorts
Bottle green plain tights can be worn under school dresses.
Students' hair must be neat and tidy and of natural hair colouring only. All hair that falls over the collar should be tied back to help minimise the spread of head lice. Hair accessories (e.g. hair bands, clips etc) are to be bottle green, white or maroon in colour.
Jewellery and Makeup
The only acceptable jewellery items are a watch, stud or sleeper earrings or a medical alert bracelet/necklace. Make-up is not a part of the school uniform and must not be worn. This includes fingernails that are of an appropriate length and are natural in colour.
Questions and Communication
If you have any questions about the Student Dress Code, please contact the office on 3514 9444 or email:
If your child cannot wear the proper school uniform for the day or for a particular activity, parents/carers are requested to inform the classroom teacher and/or the school via email:
This Student Dress Code has been developed, strongly supported and endorsed by Rainworth State School, Rainworth SS P&C, Rainworth School Council in consultation with the broader school community.